News 📢

Great news: we will be showcasing RB5, our low-cost explorer, and uninterrupted autonomous exploration with ergodic search at ICRA'24 in Yokohama 🇯🇵!
Our paper on the TeamPlay project that deals with energy/time/security tradeoffs for different use cases including UAVs is out!
We will be presenting our work on planning-scheduling for aerial robots at IROS'22 later today!
I will be starting my Postdoc at the GRAB Lab at Yale tomorrow!
Join me tomorrow at 13:30 UTC+2 at the TeamPlay Final Workshop if you'd like to know more about energy-aware dynamic planning for aerial robots within the TeamPlay project!
Our very first paper on computational energy modeling for mobile hardware is in the April's issue of the International Journal of Parallel Programming! Here we develop powprofiler, a free energy modeling tool!
Join me on Thursday at 9:20 UTC-8 at the IROS'20 workshop on planetary exploration robots if you are into planning in the space robots context!
I'll be presenting my work about space robots' computations impact and their relation to planning decisions at the IROS'20 workshop on planetary exploration robots on the 29th! More details to come!